Where it started

JORS was founded in 2020 in the middle of the innovative neighbourhood of Strijp-S, in Eindhoven. Here former industrial factories have been repurposed for, among others, the creative manufacturing industry and sustainable food production through aquaponics. An ideal breeding ground for an Agritech start-up in circularity.

Vision & Mission

Vision JORS believes in a circular future, and the role insects can play in making the agricultural sector more sustainable, and in bring it back in balance with nature. 

Mission  JORS wants to make circular opportunities accessible to everyone and help create new markets and business models. Our focus lies on the food chain and primarily in creating loops by introducing insects. Through honest advice, innovation and the power of (local) collaboration JORS contributes to a more sustainable world, food security and less CO2 emissions.

Vision image to follow

About me

As a child, I organised recycling initiatives at school, and during my college years I wrote business plans for renewable energy production through biomass for BOM and TU/e.

Through circular entrepreneurship at JORS I want to continue my journey to leave the planet better than I entered it. So future generations can not only feed themselves but also enjoy all the wonders Mother Nature has to offer. 

I enjoy long walks and/or hiking in nature and practice triathlons in my spare time. Besides spending time with family and friends I like to read, feed my curiosity and work on my classic car. My Australian Kelpie Kona makes sure she consumes every last bit of energy left. 

Want to know more? Feel free to connect via my social channels below;

Jorik Kreuwels

Founder and owner


It's about you

Everyone can (and may have to) contribute to a more sustainable world. Both the name: 'You're Sustainable' and the motto: It's JORS! embrace this philosophy.

Optimistic AND OPEN

JORS believes in the innovative solutions of the future. Our modus operandi is open and transparent, with opportunities for anyone willing to participate.

EnablING AND Environmental

JORS helps where things get difficult. With a focus on sustainable but economically feasible solutions, we work together towards the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.


Collaboration is essential to the success of the circular economy. By sharing knowledge and expertise, JORS builds honest, long-term relationships with partners from the industry.


JORS acts at the forefront, as a pioneer and challenges the status quo, because change is necessary. We learn from mistakes and repair where necessary.


Striving for a common goal, JORS takes on every assignment with passion and drive. Quality is key and continuous improvement a given, because you are never too old to learn.

We believe positive change is necessary. Change for the environment. Change for inclusion. And an equal playing field for all. The world needs companies to stand up for environmental sustainability and diversity.